Saturday, February 25, 2012

Equal to the love you make

"I have love to give. I just don't know where to put it."

Words I imagine many live by, incidentally. There lives a creative, caring, aching need in human nature that desires an outlet. If not for, music, art and science would not exist. But this aching for so many is zippered in their too tight jeans. Consumption over output. So much is missed as a result. And all at once such an aimless ache sees an object in a person for its desired outpourings, only to empty it's contents to find rejection. The fire unleashed is too hot to handle.

But now the jeans are loose from the purging. Left believing the love was lost.

Why all this talk of love lately? I don't know, maybe because Mercury is in Pisces. The mind is busy frolicking through an idyllic forest and can't find it's way out. Still, there is much potential in the world.

If the angry woman yelling at the police officer at her door in desperate attempt to keep the dead body in her closet a secret could've found a better place to put it, what then? (this is a meant as both a reality and a metaphor for defensiveness) Or the politician who now lets down those he set out to protect in favor of approval from the dollar? What about him? And what about the world? Is it useless to ask why it is the way it is?

We have the tools to change it; to change ourselves, but we don't. The aching gets mistaken for something to be drowned, after a hard weeks work. The ratio of fun to mundane renders so many to spending precious free time escaping it all. I'm guilty. I don't know where to put it. I constantly mistake it. That's why I have a blog.

What say you?

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