Wednesday, February 14, 2018

If you're loved

"If you're loved by someone you're never rejected. Decide what to be and go be it." - The Avett Brothers, Head Full of Doubt

The driving force behind the desire to be loved is to be accepted, unconditionally.  

There exists innumerable amounts and types of love in the Universe. I see it as the little things. Small gestures of random kindness given freely without request. When your own cup is full, it naturally fills others.

Love is fluid like water. It isn't the rapid thunder pounding chest. It's a restless tide that files neatly into gaps. It's an old couple sitting on a bench on a sunny afternoon, silently holding hands. It's Mother holding baby and snuggling its' tiny face. A dog nestled up behind your knees. Easy, without resistance or rejection.

Why love? Well it's February 14th of course, a Holiday I've vehemently rejected most of my adult life. I don't enjoy being told what to do or how to love. I find it irritating that the heart is able to learn loneliness from the succubus that is Valentine's Day. Who cares if you aren't coupled or have a date for a made up holiday?!!

What I have to say is you're never alone. Love exists in all places, all things and in you. When you learn to laugh when you're by yourself, you've found love.

And when the natural way you show love jives with someone else's, that's more than a chemistry experiment. It's that simplicity, inside jokes and knowing smiles. That's love. 

Short and Sweet. You are love. Be love in your own way, and hey if you like chocolate covered hearts bestowed on you, cool beans. Just let it be what you like for real, not years of rampant conditioning.

Peace out. Happy Love Day.