Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A little rusty

There's a lot going on in the world right now, isn't there? Or is there? Do any of us really know? Is the truth even accessible?

I'm a little rusty with writing, so bear with me, or don't, your choice...

It seems to me that the world has evolved at such an incredible speed in so many areas. Medical advances, technological advances, mental abilities, physical abilities and so much more. Yet somehow we manage to function at a caveman enough level that violence is still an incredible part of our society.

What will it take to evolve humanity to the point of being able to look at another human being and see them exactly as such, a human being, trying to make it or even thrive within their lifetime? It seems like such a simple concept and yet day in and out, fighting, bombing, murder, terrorism are the highlight of the news rail.

What is violence? 

Terrible. And yet somehow still such a deep seated part of our physiological make up. I know when I get angry it can be an unstoppable force for physical activity, but it can also mean I say things that truly stem from intense hurt, at the core. Maybe that's what it is. Our world is hurting, intensely and instead of going down and to that next level of emotion, it's easier to lash out and destroy the 'cause' of our hurt and despair.

Some say it's power. By now most of us know that war and terrorism stem from power, but why? Doesn't the desire for power stem from the hurt that comes from feeling powerless?

Not sure I have a point here, but I'd like to do something in my lifetime, even if it impacts only a few people, to change the view.

While I'm ruminating (in the lab, with a pen and a pad...) I welcome any ideas. There are so many movements and organizations, but we need a greater reach. There has to be a way to use all of our advances to finally realize that all life has value and there's no need for violence.

PS: I'll get better at this again, if you made it all the way through, APPLAUSE! And thank you for your time.