Sunday, July 1, 2012

wake up, wake up. WAKE up and look around you.

I had a dream a few years ago that I was dying. I was laying on an operating table under Frankenstein like circumstances. There were two of me. One was on the table and there was another me (which I knew was my soul) standing next to me. She was slowly disappearing from the feet upwards as she worked feverishly to try to save my physical body. I was screaming from the table, shouting for me to stop and save herself but she kept at it until only her eyes were left as visible. I leapt from the table through the confines and gave her this little vile of potion and she began to reappear (yes, sort of like in Back to the Future, only still with the Frankenstein feel.)

I bolted awake sitting upright with the images cleft in my minds eye. Much like in the movies, there was lots of heavy breathing, sighing with giant wide eyed terror. At that exact moment in time; I truly 'woke up' from a long fruitless slumber.

It was one of those dreams that was so real and such a blatant warning message it changed the course of my world forever. At the time I'd left behind all the wonder and mystery that I adore. I wasn't writing, I was reading, but not discovering. I was dreaming, but not flying. I was living, but the 'I' was missing.

Since that time I gauge my level of soul integration on the aforementioned. If I'm not writing, reading, assimilating, or growing. I'm dying and it's time to wake back up.

Out of curiosity, has anyone had a dream that was some sort of message that really got your attention. Stories welcome. As always you can choose to write anonymously on my blog; if you're of the shy sort.



  1. I had a dream about an evil spirit chasing me. I was in my house that i grew up in. I always hated being alone there...and suddenly i was aware i was all alone. Parents and siblings gone and it was getting dark out.

    I started to panic and felt like i was being chased. I ran to the basement with an evil spirit at my back. It cornered me and pinned me to the wall with its hand at my throat.

    My childhood friend shows up out of nowhere and helps me escape. We run wildly to her house down the street and I beg her mom to let me stay at their house.

    I woke breathing hard and full of fear.. that seems to be a theme lately FEAR

    Keep writing j cole : )

  2. That is quite a dream. It never ceases to amaze me that dreams can seem more real than waking life. At least in both of our dreams we came out okay. I don't think I've ever had a dream that didn't end with 'safety' or waking up before death, falling, etc.

    FEAR will always be there, courage is apparently the antidote. Although, mustering it can be just as scary. In my humblest of opinions.

    Thank you for sharing!!


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