Thursday, March 8, 2012

'tis a far better deed

The other day I posed a question on Facebook asking people if they'd ever gone out of their way to help a stranger and if so, what did they do? It makes my insides feel fuzzy and soft when I hear stories such as these. I've done a handful of deeds in my day, but sometimes the overwhelming need within the world is hard to stomach. Like driving down the street seeing someone in a wheel chair without legs waiting in the cold for the bus, or stray animals abandoned for whatever shameful reasons.

Enough about the sadness. When I was 22 I was driving home from having dinner with some friends and it had been snowing, it was really icy! I was driving my Dad's pickup truck, but as I pulled in to the turn lane off the highway I slid off the road and on top of a giant snow pile with a yield sign about a foot from the hood. Scared the shit out of me.

I got out and thought, ah (exploitive) now what. I stood there for a second thinking I'd just walk home and see if my brother could help me out or call a tow truck when a really old Dodge Ram pulled over and asked if I needed help. Inside were two dudes. I explained I only lived up the road and they offered me a lift and said if we had tow ropes they'd help pull me out. I got in the truck only to discover that one of these dudes had some sort of injury. His leg was wrapped up with gauze and he was bleeding. I said, seriously, you don't need to help me, this guy looks like he should see a doctor. But they insisted. They drove me home where I then insisted that I would call a tow truck.

But seriously! I couldn't believe these men stopped to aid me under these circumstances. They were also very nice, albeit a little rough shod. Did I think maybe they were going to drive me off somewhere and murder me? Well, maybe for a second, but I lived to tell, eh?

That's really all I have to say right now. It just amazes me how kind and generous the world can be at times within the gamut of all the violence and hate. It glimmers of bright shiny hope.

If you have stories, we'd love to hear them! Feel free to share. You can comment anonymously on my blog :)

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