Tuesday, January 17, 2012

sifting for some kind of gold...

After you watch people for awhile, their hidden softness becomes so apparent. In nearly everything they do there's these tiny molecular bits of evidence hanging where we wouldn't think to look. These little gems reveal themselves as the most alluring, natural and admiral pieces of the person. Like sifting through sand for the shining gold flecks, the trouble is we're often looking, wanting, hoping for these riches to appear we are lost in the business of shaking the pan.

But still, like a good deep breath, every once in awhile, it all slows down and that glimmering remnant beneath the skin suit catches your pupil, distracting, lighting and leavening the rationale to survive and the reflection of your forgotten humanness returns like the slight smile on grandma's face. Nothing grand about it, just knowing, reflective and silently nourishing.

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