Thursday, January 19, 2012

intrusive glassware...

an intrusion
or an excuse
what difference would it make
outside similar in affair
inside the immersion

there's always something of a non-abyss
or the one to fall into and become a lesser whole
in the price tag of life

the lacking freedom of something washless
just a series of glassware entering the dish spinner
waiting their turn
take it slow and steamy
all in a sudsy progression of discount soap
feels good as it dries the softness from your skin
leather a face
to be placed
on a hanger in a stash
with the rest

the drunkard's arm
you're loose and dangling
waiting to be assisted by whatever

but the state of alone
in its entirety
is solid in footing
rooted in some unique and encompassing form of humanity
where one relates to all things and nothing
all at the same time.


  1. What is this about? It's nice to read, I'm just not sure what topic is.

    1. Hi Margaret - Thanks for reading! The poem itself came from an experience out in the world. Watching people and connecting what's happening around with my insides is something I do a lot of. I guess its kind of abstract, meaning driven by the reader. In this case I was at a small bar reading Bukowski and writing. The sound of dishes being washed in the background and a really drunk couple next to me. There was intrusion and thoughts of being put through the dishwasher and how when alone, some are more solid.

      So, that's the short and skinny of it.

      Thanks again,
      Jennifer Kay
      aka Jay Eye


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