Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Los Angeles at 22, Act Deux

So, there I was sitting on the sidewalk searching for an avenue that wouldn't end in destruction, when who would walk up to me? A gentleman with the looks and attitude of Eddie Murphy and his middle aged, average, normal white friend. Eddie Murphy proudly presented his 'I just got out of jail card' to me. I admired the honesty. He went on to start jabbering up a storm, but the short and skinny is he wanted some cash.

I told them my situation (probably against any 'sane' persons judgement) and they were purely sympathetic. In fact, they told me the subway station was just a few blocks up and if I paid for their fare they would get me all the way to the airport, safely. And so we did. It was a rambunctious experience for a 22 year old girl from Ham Lake, MN. It turns out 'average normal white friend' was renting a room to Eddie Murphy. They told me all kinds of stories as fights and utter chaos broke out around us, they shielded me from the effects.

I ended up spending $40, which included fare for all 3 of us and a transfer fee for Eddie and friend; which left me just enough for a much needed cocktail at the airport.

In reading over this story, I feel I didn't even come close to doing it justice, but some feelings and experiences just aren't translatable. It was like this amazing dream ride where although the characters seemed completely wrong for their parts, nobody else would've sufficed. I've had lots of experiences of being in the flow and just riding whatever comes as opportunity, versus a more judgement decision based approach, but this one has stood out the longest.

That being said, in the flow one finds what one needs without actually looking for it. All one really has to do is be open to what comes in and say yes...

If this made no sense, see Act I

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