Friday, October 5, 2012

it's all personal

Having spent time researching submitting poetry and writing I've noticed a common banality. In many of the submission guidelines they drone on and on about not writing about yourself. I find this curmudgeonly in the sense that HOW CAN YOU NOT write about yourself? Even if you're writing fiction you're still living through a set of characters and spinning their reactions from your internal feelings and intuitions about life and the characters.

image from here because I'm too lazy to make one.
In my humblest of opinions, this is comparable to asking for a facade, asking for something fake. And even if you're faking it, it's still personal, because YOU'RE faking it. It can only be faked in the way that you are capable of supplying said fakery.

I do have a point, maybe. It's like people. The people who are closest to us don't care about any face we can put on, they would find that drab and for lack of a thesaurus; superficial. What is the point of expressing oneself in interaction if you're only expressing a fabricated part of you. Why would writing, singing, dancing, living and being pose any difference.

In short. It's all personal. Life is personal. Experience is personal. Love is personal. Sex is personal. Routine is personal. Pets are personal. Children are personal. And WE are; personal. Although my eyes see something other than what you see, when we take the time to breathe in someone elses exotic perspective, we connect with that which is larger than us, because we know; somewhere, somehow, somebody else is muddling through the same shit that we are.

The end.

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