Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Waning Crescent

I feel the moon phase in it's entirety today as it wanes. The time ripe for review of recent events and digesting of experience. If you're a lunar child, like me, maybe you'll understand this, but sometimes I swear an entire life cycle existed in one full lunar cycle. The gamut of peaks and valleys underwent and when it's done, I get to start all over again.

Pic Props from here
That being said, here's my ramble for the evening...

I think age and experience is the only thing that finally gets you to round the bend and watch yourself sabotage your conscious efforts. And at that moment you know you have a choice. There is no one to blame or congratulate but you and whatever you choose, it's all yours.

I've watched my unconscious desires and habits destroy really great things I had in front of me and for whatever reason, in this odd numbered 7 year, they are no longer foggy or easily put away in the drawer under a stash of mismatched socks. It's more like walking around with a black light exposing everything disgusting. Only it's not really that gross, it's just the truth.

But sometimes I still trick myself into believing my unconscious is saving me from doing what is not in my best interest. It's clever, manipulative and willful as a screaming child.

That's really all I have to say right now. What say you?

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