Sunday, May 20, 2018

The tiny monster

It was a gorgeous day in Minnesota today. I sat outside catching up on some phone calls and I kept hearing this noise underneath my front deck. My imagination envisioned a giant snake or alien out of a movie creeping towards me and the extreme reaction following its exposure.

As I stood up to go inside, I discovered the tiniest of birds about 24 inches from where my foot was. It was down a step, so I didn't see it. This tiny bird scarcely moved. I'm terrified of birds, so I spoke to it ever so gently as I backed away slowly. "Hello. Are you all right? Are you injured?" I said, as though it could hear me.

I walked indoors, nonetheless, and thought I'd check on it in a bit. Alas, the symbolism wasn't lost on me, nor is it an uncommon message. But, I'm always glad to hear from the Universe. To me, it's a clearer message in symbol form. Aside from being a firm believer in the 'still small voice,' I often find it difficult to hear... Or so I think.

I poured a new cup of coffee and turned to the door, walked out and the bird was gone. And I'm left to wonder.

I'm going to spell this out because people tend to say I'm too vague.

A. The imagination blows up the unknown into things that are scary.
B. Most often things aren't as big and scary as you think.
C. If it involves somebody else, maybe the big scary thing is a result of their injury or insecurity.
D. Maybe it's just a bird and means nothing. (If you don't believe in messages from the environment...)

Well friends. I do believe in messages from the environment, I do believe in symbolism and I do believe my brain is frightened enough to envision my worst nightmares out of the tiniest of things. And if it does involve somebody else, they probably don't mean me any harm. Just like the tiny bird.

Ironically, I was still a bit frightened of the tiny bird, but I persevered in engaging with him/her. I was so afraid it was injured and I didn't want to leave it alone to die. And that's another message from the Universe about me. I care, even when scared.

And then you take these messages and you run ahead into life. Sometimes you tip toe, sometimes you hide, others you strut like a mo-fo. But, you do it with the awareness to hear what's meant for you to know so you can know you like never before and impact change in yourself and change in the world around you. And nothing and everything more.

Peace and light. Forever shameless.

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