Monday, April 9, 2018

invincible heart

I was thinking about heart break a little bit this evening. For whatever reason, I had this vision of a cartoon drawing of a heart. Although he/she held no swords, there were millions of battles behind him/her. He was sweaty and bleeding, but held an enormous toothy grin on his face and surrendered forward forever more.

It is from this vision that I realize heartache can be a choice. When we say, "I don't want to get hurt." or "I don't want to hurt you." We are being fearful. What if heart was built fearless, like the tarot card the fool and continuously battled his/her way through life with that youthful virility that left him always hopeful and never sterile?

I have no answers, of course. But this vision did make me smile nonetheless. I tend to be that super naive person who enters things like said heart, but mind intervenes and tells me I'm a stupid dumb ass.

So heart sets forward with this enormous shield and ends up deflecting the very things it needs for the foolhardy journey.

Is that ironic? No. I think it's just a progressive lifestyle. Progressive in the irritating traditional sense. And due to life experience, we're unable to maintain the trusting naivete of formative years, before the battering and bruising turned mind into parent over heart.

But one question still remains. Is that progressive? Seriously, is it progressive to build walls that prevent an incredible unfolding journey, in favor of some serious stability?

Maybe, if our values are distinctly conventional. And this brings me to another 'point.' Perhaps collectively we could move in a new direction, or maybe generation millennial already is! One that is less fearful because it isn't always tempting dogma, but rather respecting it for something long gone by? Or is the attempt to escape dogma and convention a mechanism to avoid moral dilemma? Kind of like escaping the law. But isn't the justice system corrupt? Too many questions.

And in this backwards, roundabout way (as usual) I'm attempting discovery of that middle ground, where heart and mind work together to scale the mountain. Even when they are back to back... Who will win? Aspiration: no one, or better yet both.

And that's all the rambling I have for now.

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