Sunday, April 29, 2012

more than lucky

Some days I can't believe how lucky I am. Just looking around at all the wonderful people who've walked the same path with me for a time, helping each other, relating, loving and living through the rough and tumble is amazing. I hear stories from other people about their past messed up relationships and the things that people did to them and it makes me so grateful to have been so lucky. I've been loved more times than I can count in ways that were so very unconditional and I just wish this for the rest of the world too.

I don't have much else to say today. Just reflecting, after a weekend in Two Harbors attending a very beautiful wedding with two very amazing people. When they look into each others eyes you can tell, there's love and it's so very life affirming. I'll never be a cynic about love, it's too beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Life is pretty good sometimes :) It's even better in good company. I'm glad we've started talking more. ~Amanda


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