Monday, March 21, 2022

A fever and the small things

 I was told one of the smartest things I've ever heard a few weeks back. Here it is.

"If you always take care of all the small things, the big things are easy."

If you know me, you know nothing is ever taken for its 'flat' version. There's always an entire universe breeding beneath a word, a phrase, a tree branch, or what have you. So, what if this seemingly simple concept were applied to the world we inhabit? What if all the small (us included) was tended to, kept in check, fed, clothed, and loved? Would war be handled differently or dissipate entirely? Could all this hate and violence be eliminated in those big moments they become inflamed?

I have no answers, only questions. Yet that is my dream, to see it all at peace, at ease, and at play. But, could we evolve without the drama? That is the bigger question?

Secondly, I wrapped up watching 1883 last night. If you haven't, I highly recommend it. In the second to last episode, Tim McGraw makes this statement, ignore the grammar:

"It don't matter if it hurts, it matters if it gets infected and you end up with a fever."

When taken as metaphor, there is a raw truth relating to our emotional well-being (and those small things...) It's so easy to allow hurt to wreak havoc on our behavior. It builds up until we are infected and become feverish, seeking clarity, vengeance, or simply to be heard.

Who cares Jennifer? I do! Why did I bring this up? I suppose because it's so easy to get caught in ordinary living. To heard words as simple literal phrases is to miss out on visions of the larger picture. The vision we all contribute to each and every day. It may sound silly, but reflection is what forces us to become not only more of ourselves, but better versions of ourselves and perhaps that is the only thing that could lead us to more loving ways of life.

And that's all I have to say about that.