It's no question that these are strange times. Indeed we've seen strange times before, but do you recall the historical events of social obedience and the lives which were cost? The fact is that most of us in the face of fear will follow instruction. 'They' know this.
Both WWI and WWII were born under planetary configurations in which Saturn and Pluto were in difficult aspect. Our current situation is no different, perhaps except for the fact that Jupiter just came into the mix. I originally suspected it would simply expand the death toll. (Jupiter = expansion) / (Pluto = Death/Regeneration) but an optimistic thought just crossed my mind. Perhaps Jupiter will equal Justice and Truth, which he is also in favor of.
Justice for whom? Us. The common people, and not in the form of a check, but hopefully in the realization that those in control have little but ill intention.
Think of the good that has come from civil disobedience? Women's right to vote, human rights, the end of slavery. And all the lives those who helped hide families from Hitler's death camps. Civil disobedience often comes from the helpers. They weren't following orders, they simply knew what was right and what was wrong.
I am not saying I have any clue what is going on with COVID-19, but I am saying we all have a nagging spidy sense telling us something is NOT right and I'm incredibly hopeful when Mercury heads back into Aquarius, with Jupiter conjunct Saturn/Pluto that we finally find out. I get a strong sense that the Super Moon in Libra is going to aggravate the situation in the next few days, causing more restrictions, but leading to more investigations.
I certainly hope that it isn't true, that COVID-19 wasn't created in a lab to be used as biological warfare, but I am not ruling it out. Looking back at history, while it is a pandemic, it is nothing compared to the 11 Million who were systematically killed by Nazi Germany, which ended in an estimated 75 Million deaths during WWII. The coronavirus statistics are all over the map in accuracy, but they've estimated 74K. And yes, it's still a very big deal, but consider what was happening during those times? Think about it. And think about all the people who followed suit and not only allowed it, but also participated. Fear.
Our lack of toilet paper is pretty meaningless. We need to rise above the fear and hopefully get to the bottom of this without walking into a new world order. It could be, if we allow them to 'provide' it.
And that's all I have to say...