Wednesday, January 29, 2014

the heart is a muscle...

Image from this site, which interestingly enough talks
about scar tissue... 
"The heart is a muscle and has a memory.

I wonder how far back it goes?
If it remembers incidents of other dimensions, dreams, past lives and the ethereal.

Maybe this is why difficult people are in our lives.
Maybe they aren't really difficult.

But our heart knows something we don't and it remembers them.
Remembers what they "did to you."
And so they rub you the wrong way, just by being.

I wish I had an eraser for my heart.
Clean off all the things they "did to me."
And start over.

I tried to scrub it clean with my mind.
Heart called mind pretentious and held on tighter.

So I tried again, to love with these hateful cell memories.
Clenching and strengthening the stubborn muscle.

Alas, at day break, it remembers you again..."

I had this conversation with my mind today and decided to be shameless. Tomorrow we begin a new emotional cycle with the New Moon in Aquarius. This is a very active new moon and lends a solid opportunity to begin again. Begin with compassion for man-kind and acceptance of individual differences. Aquarian 'brotherhood' if you will. And so, I thought just maybe it's a fortuitous time to detach from these heart memories. Call upon some higher philosophy to stretch the fibers into a more tolerant being.

Just maybe. And that's all I have to say right now.