Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My thoughts on the 2024 'debate'

 Ugh, politics. I used to feel that the change in President didn't have much impact on my life, but the past 3.5 years definitely did and frankly, I am not looking forward to the future.

If both parties just stated things clearly in the debate last night, it would've been much shorter:

Harris - This is scripted and I do support all of my previous policies, but right now, I need to get in office and it shows. PS: Have you listened to me speak about things I actually believe in? You can tell I'm being truthful because I'm passionate and form unscripted sentences. But, I can't do that right now because it poses threads to my campaign.

Trump - Americans are tired of their tax dollars being used on everyone except for them and they can't afford your way forward. PS: I am not banning abortion, nor have I ever stated I would. End of story.

The way I see it: Those of us who are currently in favor of Trump are so for the following reasons:

- We are tired of our tax dollars being spent on everyone except Americans

- We don't care what color you are, what gender you decide to be, your sexual preference, or whether you're having an abortion; we are busy with our own lives and are trying to stay afloat

- We are not happy that the country is flooded with people who have nowhere to go. How is that a good thing? And we don't want to pay for their healthcare and housing, we can barely pay for our own

- Where does Harris think this money is going to come from? On this track with her proposed policies, she will triple the deficit, to a point where they have to make up a new number because she will surely surpass the googoplex with her policies

- Trump didn't do any of the things they are claiming he's going to in his four years, why would he do them now? He wasn't a dictator and he didn't take away rights, including the right to abortion. Read about it.

- Why would Donald Trump not take a salary his four years as President, be indicted, and shot in the face and still run for President if he was out to "Destroy" our freedom and rights.

It makes no sense.

I for one, think we need a financial advisor in office for another 4 years to fix the economy and then we can move on to long range planning for things like electric cars, universal healthcare and education, etc. 

Us regular people, we are not opposed to any of the things you claim we are. We simply want the American way of life and the past 3.5 years it's been way too fucking hard. Way too hard.

My Money, My Choice is how I feel about it. I don't want my tax dollars being spent the way they are and neither does Mr. Trump, so I'm voting for him and I know I will not regret that decision.

And that's all I have to say right now. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

A fever and the small things

 I was told one of the smartest things I've ever heard a few weeks back. Here it is.

"If you always take care of all the small things, the big things are easy."

If you know me, you know nothing is ever taken for its 'flat' version. There's always an entire universe breeding beneath a word, a phrase, a tree branch, or what have you. So, what if this seemingly simple concept were applied to the world we inhabit? What if all the small (us included) was tended to, kept in check, fed, clothed, and loved? Would war be handled differently or dissipate entirely? Could all this hate and violence be eliminated in those big moments they become inflamed?

I have no answers, only questions. Yet that is my dream, to see it all at peace, at ease, and at play. But, could we evolve without the drama? That is the bigger question?

Secondly, I wrapped up watching 1883 last night. If you haven't, I highly recommend it. In the second to last episode, Tim McGraw makes this statement, ignore the grammar:

"It don't matter if it hurts, it matters if it gets infected and you end up with a fever."

When taken as metaphor, there is a raw truth relating to our emotional well-being (and those small things...) It's so easy to allow hurt to wreak havoc on our behavior. It builds up until we are infected and become feverish, seeking clarity, vengeance, or simply to be heard.

Who cares Jennifer? I do! Why did I bring this up? I suppose because it's so easy to get caught in ordinary living. To heard words as simple literal phrases is to miss out on visions of the larger picture. The vision we all contribute to each and every day. It may sound silly, but reflection is what forces us to become not only more of ourselves, but better versions of ourselves and perhaps that is the only thing that could lead us to more loving ways of life.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Are we being 'snowed'

It's no question that these are strange times. Indeed we've seen strange times before, but do you recall the historical events of social obedience and the lives which were cost? The fact is that most of us in the face of fear will follow instruction. 'They' know this.

Both WWI and WWII were born under planetary configurations in which Saturn and Pluto were in difficult aspect. Our current situation is no different, perhaps except for the fact that Jupiter just came into the mix. I originally suspected it would simply expand the death toll. (Jupiter = expansion) / (Pluto = Death/Regeneration) but an optimistic thought just crossed my mind. Perhaps Jupiter will equal Justice and Truth, which he is also in favor of.

Justice for whom? Us. The common people, and not in the form of a check, but hopefully in the realization that those in control have little but ill intention.

Think of the good that has come from civil disobedience? Women's right to vote, human rights, the end of slavery. And all the lives those who helped hide families from Hitler's death camps. Civil disobedience often comes from the helpers. They weren't following orders, they simply knew what was right and what was wrong.

I am not saying I have any clue what is going on with COVID-19, but I am saying we all have a nagging spidy sense telling us something is NOT right and I'm incredibly hopeful when Mercury heads back into Aquarius, with Jupiter conjunct Saturn/Pluto that we finally find out. I get a strong sense that the Super Moon in Libra is going to aggravate the situation in the next few days, causing more restrictions, but leading to more investigations.

I certainly hope that it isn't true, that COVID-19 wasn't created in a lab to be used as biological warfare, but I am not ruling it out. Looking back at history, while it is a pandemic, it is nothing compared to the 11 Million who were systematically killed by Nazi Germany, which ended in an estimated 75 Million deaths during WWII. The coronavirus statistics are all over the map in accuracy, but they've estimated 74K. And yes, it's still a very big deal, but consider what was happening during those times? Think about it. And think about all the people who followed suit and not only allowed it, but also participated. Fear.

Our lack of toilet paper is pretty meaningless. We need to rise above the fear and hopefully get to the bottom of this without walking into a new world order. It could be, if we allow them to 'provide' it.

And that's all I have to say...

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

So smart...

I know I talk about past lives a lot, it's because I believe in them. I also think the soul knows way more than we do, but we aren't graced with that knowledge throughout life. And, I feel compelled to tell this story.

A long time ago, I met a man who would become my best friend and my husband. We were happy. I know that nostalgia can kill a lot of negativity, but when I look back I do see real, easy happiness. The kind I don't think I was used to seeing as a kid. We rarely fought, we laughed so much, we were full of inside jokes. Just happy. And then something happened. Nothing visible really, but I know that I was compelled to leave and we ended up getting divorced.

I went with it, as I do, but years later we could still talk like good friends and there was no animosity. We still have 'joint' custody of the dog, so I see him and his new family on occasion. When I met his daughter the first time, it was amazing. She glommed onto me like we'd known each other forever. The sweetest little girl. I met her when I was picking up the dog for a weekend stay and again a few times after that. It dawned on me a couple years ago that she was the reason. We were going to be DINKS forever and if I hadn't left, he would never have been a Dad and I always thought he would be the very BEST FATHER EVER.

Fast forward to a few days ago. I received a message from his wife. She said, I had to tell you this, we were taking Diva to the groomers (our dog) and his daughter randomly said, "I miss Jennifer, I want to give her a hug." Keep in mind, I've only met her a few times. I was so shocked and what I get from that, is this little soul knows I had to go so she could be born. She knows I played a part in it. Amazing. Skeptic all you want, but there's no real logical reason for her to remember me like that. 

I said, she has such a big heart, give her a hug for me! She wrote back to say the little girl said, "My heart is love Mama." 

I almost fell straight into tears, if that isn't the smartest statement you've ever heard, I don't know what is. And I think to myself, I'm so glad that this amazing little girl was born and that I followed the illogical path I felt before me. The world needs to hear more statements like that and remember their truth.

And in that moment, my 38 year old heart got bigger too...

Friday, October 12, 2018

That which seems small

When I got home tonight, I went to turn on the TV and I stumbled upon this book I made for my Grandma last year. I re-read a good portion of it and leafed through the photos. The book is titled "My Life, My Family." See, Grandma wrote up her 'bio' for her church group book club because they asked her to share her life story and she entrusted me with her short, hand written notes. She said she knew I would keep it safe.

Instantaneously I knew I wanted to make it into something, but I tucked it away for a time. Coming back to it later, I emailed the fam and asked them to write their favorite stories or whatever about Grandma and I would make it into a memorable book for her.

It took several months to get everyone's stuff and photos together and to create it. I found this awesome online book publisher called The Book Patch and ordered up a few copies intending to give it to her on Christmas day.

When they arrived I was shocked at how well it turned out. A full color, soft cover book (much like a Berenstein bears book...) was under $10 a piece. Crazy, I know!! Anyhow, when I presented Grandma with her Christmas gift, she cried and so did I. She could hardly believe that this effort was made on her behalf and she was so proud. She would thank me over and over when I saw her for it, for almost a whole year ahead.

Anyways, when I look back at it now I think that was the smallest but biggest thing I did that entire year. I took an idea and made it something so valuable to a very important person in my life and I'm so glad I didn't dilly dally and forget about it.

All this to say (like I always say, but usually in a more ambiguous way) there's magic in the small things, you just have to find it.

Peace out. Love you Grandma!